Very early proof of concept and entirely based on DragonRuby's crafting example code.
One level and then auto generated levels afterwards. They may be impossible! Hit N to auto generate a new level at any time.
W - forward 1 space
Q - capture left diagonal
E - capture right diagonal
A - move or capture left
D - move or capture right
R - restart the level or if complete, generate a new level
N - generate a random level
Note: The mouse can be used to rearrange the game board at any time. There is no save support or piece creation or deletion support, so it's very limited. I used it for debugging and cheating ;).
Features to add (in no particular order)
Open source! (DragonRuby needs a simple board game starting point example)
Mobile web and app support
Enemy generators
Enemy movement
Bigger game board
Level editor
Deterministic level generation using a random number seed
Sound effects